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Showing posts from May, 2016

Swag your Swagger

Document your REST API with Swagger Swagger is a great tool to allow you do document your REST based APIs and provides an interactive sandbox for clients or testers to interact with the API.  Certainly go and check out what Swagger has to offer at  . However as I found as of 2016, most of the examples available on the web regarding how to get Swagger up and running details what to do when you are using Spring-boot.  Therefore I'm providing my write up to assist anyone who is trying to make swagger available form a SpringMVC application.  I had a surprising level of pain getting it to work, considering the lack of details regarding specifics for this type of application. As is becoming common in my posts, I will first provide you a quick summary of the stack (tools/framework in play).  Things are constantly evolving and you will need to assess your frameworks and version versus what I used in May of 2016. Prerequisite stack: Spring-co...